Incident & Events

The Incident & Event module supports the generic process of creating, reporting, managing, following up and reporting an event.

This provides the opportunity to support several different types of events with the same tool, e.g. incident, case, decision, deviation, activity, recommendation, crisis, accident, injury and more.


Incident & Event is a standalone module in the iFACTS platform. It can be connected and used by other entities in the platform, e.g. Organization, Process, External supplier, Strategy, Business plan, Control program, Incident reporting.

The first step is to create the event type. This type is configured with a portal, different tabs and information fields, categorizations, functionality and permissions. Once created, it is available on relevant parts of the iFACTS platform.

Results are compiled via the iFACTS reporting tool.


Incidents can be of several different types, the portals can therefore be configured depending on type, e.g. work accident, IT incident, burglary.

The configuration can differ for different types, using specific fields and tabs depending on type. Roles are appointed as responsible for each type.

Functionality can be directly connected to relevant organizational parts, risks, cost calculation, map function, escalation routine, approval.

A portal is created where the reporter can follow the handling of the incident.


Case management often refers to service matters, support or survey managers.

In the same way, different portals are created with configured content and functionality for each type.

Opportunity to create FAQ / competence database in connection with reporting. Problem management via rotor case analysis.

A portal is created where the reporter can follow the handling of the case


A decision often follows the same generic process as an event. The decision is documented, linked to analyzes, other events, trends, etc. A responsible is appointed.

The decision portal can be configured powerfully with all iFACTS functionality and made visible throughout the information model.


Different types of activity are often used in management and control. Examples are planned activities, mitigating risk actions, tasks.

All of these types can be created and configured with the relevant information model.

Useful functionality is checklist with measurement, approval, status, reminder.


Non-conformities can also be configured in different types and for several different usage areas.

They can be manually posted or created in other flows such as risk, control, supervision, inspection, recommendation & follow-up.