Health & Safety Management System
iFACTS supports work environment processes within the framework of the principles within ISO management systems. The basis is process orientation and asset management within which the various work steps are performed. The work is based on the governing Swedish regulations within the Work Environment:
- Arbetsmiljölag (1977:1160) (Work Environment Act)
- Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter (AFS 2000:1) (The Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations)
- ISO 45001:2018 Ledningssystem för arbetsmiljö (Management system for work environment)
Work environment encompasses the entire organization, including management, processes, resources and personnel. It is important that all parts are included and are an integral part of the daily work around decisions, activities, assessments, controls, etc.
Some examples of work environment activities:
- Policy, routines
- Document management
- Division of tasks, roles, responsibilities
- Survey
- Competence, education
- Risk assessment
- Deviation management
- Measures
- Incidents, incidents, reporting
- Follow-up, control
iFACTS supports all work environment work. Portal is created for the cohesive work, collaboration space for different groups, distribution of requirements and goals, deviation management, reports, follow-up, key figures and dashboards.
For more information and the possibility to book a demo, click here.