Malmö Stad Information Security & GDPR
For the City of Malmö, information security is about the city’s relationship to the information that is handled, regardless of form and channel. Taking care of the information is not just about complying to different laws – it is pure self-preservation drive and a prerequisite for maintaining continuity and trust in the municipal activities.
The City of Malmö works actively with system security and uses iFACTS method to support this work, above all the module “Information systems”. For the processing of personal data, both for the municipality’s employees, but also the citizens dependent on the municipality’s functions, iFACTS provides a systematic way of handling data processing registers and perform data impact assessments.
“IFACTS method support is a potent and flexible support that matches the city’s model for system inventory, classification and requirements well. It simply helps us to create order in a world that for many is perceived as complex. With the help of the iFACTS method, our system owners and managers are supported to compile requirements without having to be IT specialists” says Bo-Göran Andersson, information security coordinator in the city of Malmö with placement at Stadskontoret.
Malmö is Sweden’s third largest city and part of the expansive Öresund region, with proximity to Copenhagen. The city of Malmö has about 25,800 employees and operations spread throughout the city.
In the city of Malmö, safety and security issues are a priority area of work. Information in all its forms has – every day, all year round – a significant role for the city’s operations, which requires an adapted and functional information security work.